On 3rd of March 2009 my husband and I started the new buildings to complete our little resort “Villa Manuk”. Balinese Hindus start the building with a ceremony.
At the moment we provide already a two story house (www.villa-manuk.com), a kitchen building and staff toilet.
It was our dream to build a swimming pool and because our land (14 are) offers enough space we planned another two story Villa. My husband Nyoman loves building and is also very inspired to build sustainable, so he designed a Villa with less usage of cement and uses materials from the area.
We are very happy that my husband could manage that in future we will have access to spring water. In the area of Manuksesa are many springs. This spring is one of a few springs feeding a small river. Nyoman passed a more than 1 km long pipe to our land, and with this we will be able to provide a spring water swimming pool! The overflow of the pool and the not used water will go back to the river. We will not use any chemicals for cleaning the pool.
Beside the pool and the new Villa we are building a “Bale Bengong” for serving the meals or to relax in the shadow next to the pool. A new small storage room will complete our kitchen.
After the buildings are finished, it will be my part to finish the interior and the garden. I am looking very much forward to design a garden using permaculture methods.
Hallo Beate, hallo Nana,
AntwortenLöschenich bin sehr erfreut, zu sehen was ihr alles auf die Beine stellt und auch unsetzt. Das wird bestimmt ein tolles Haus mit einem super Pool. Die Bilder verrraten ja schon einiges. Viel Glück damit und eine angenehme Bauphase noch wünscht Uwe aus Bamberg