IT'S DONE! Villa Manuk Bambu is finished and welcoming its first guests :-)))
Montag, 27. Juli 2009
Sonntag, 26. Juli 2009
23rd of June 2009
22nd of June 2009
20th of June 2009
On 30th of June the first guests will check in for Villa Manuk Bambu and we are all just working and working to get it finished in time. But every day we can see a big progress.

Yes, it is growing! Our first organic vegetables!

Our Bale Bengong got a nice floor and also we changed the littel bridge "a la Venice" to the Bale - it was a bit dangerous :-).
Some of our craftsmen - Komang, Wirya and Ketut. They were not only building the house and pool but also clever in doing furnitures like our bamboo tables and the deck chairs.
Yes, it is growing! Our first organic vegetables!
Our Bale Bengong got a nice floor and also we changed the littel bridge "a la Venice" to the Bale - it was a bit dangerous :-).
Some of our craftsmen - Komang, Wirya and Ketut. They were not only building the house and pool but also clever in doing furnitures like our bamboo tables and the deck chairs.
18th of June 2009
29th of May 2009
It is not an easy work to arrange the piping for the waste water garden treatment, especially when the pipes are not straight! Because of improper storing the pipes were bended. It was not possible, not even on one site, to lay the pipes exact horizontal. After a few hours trials the craftsman Ketut and I gave up and decided to buy a new pipe. The work was then done very quickly.
On the photo you see the level laid pipe on gravel for the leach field.
26th of May 2009
My husband has a great team of craftsmen and helpers. Here they having their coffee break
At the moment we do not have guests for Villa Manuk Batu so it is a good time to finish some details in the Bale Bengong.
Villa Manuk Bambu is getting “a face”
And here the view to Villa Manuk Bambu from Villa Manuk Batu – Kamar Bintang
Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2009
24th of May 2009
On this day we had our Permaculture Club Meeting in Villa Manuk. Together with the friends of our club we planned and calculated the piping for the waste water treatment system. Doing this the first time I was very thankful to our friends for their great help and input. For more detailed information and pictures please see the minutes of the permaculture meeting from 24th of May 2009
Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2009
20th of May 2009
14th of May 2009
Mittwoch, 6. Mai 2009
6th of May 2009 - Melaspas Ceremony
Wow! In the last 3 days they finsihed the swimming pool, the pool deck and the Bale Bengong. The water looks not clean yet because it ist the first filling.
After finsihing a building the Balinese Hindu performe an "Upacara Melaspas" (Balinese Blessing ceremnoy for new buildinga) and we did this today with pleasure with the workers. I congratulate my husband for his great work!

After finsihing a building the Balinese Hindu performe an "Upacara Melaspas" (Balinese Blessing ceremnoy for new buildinga) and we did this today with pleasure with the workers. I congratulate my husband for his great work!
Montag, 4. Mai 2009
Fotos from 3rd of May 2009
My husband, a tireless designer on the site, just got a great inspiration and is building now a fishpond around the swimming pool and the Bale Bengong.
A few more days and we will hopefully have our first swim in our spring water swimming pool.
Samstag, 2. Mai 2009
Fotos from 26th of April 2009
The roof of Villa Manuk Bambu is nearly thatched
The stone work for our natural swimming pool is going on well. Thanks our permaculture teacher Norm we try to make the edges of the pool a kind of "round" that the natural flow of the water works better and the pool will be more easy to clean.
And finally a foto from our "Bale Bengong" - Pavilion next to the pool.
Mittwoch, 22. April 2009
Dienstag, 21. April 2009
Start of our new building Villa Manuk "Bambu" and the Springwater Swimming Pool

On 3rd of March 2009 my husband and I started the new buildings to complete our little resort “Villa Manuk”. Balinese Hindus start the building with a ceremony.
At the moment we provide already a two story house (, a kitchen building and staff toilet.
It was our dream to build a swimming pool and because our land (14 are) offers enough space we planned another two story Villa. My husband Nyoman loves building and is also very inspired to build sustainable, so he designed a Villa with less usage of cement and uses materials from the area.
We are very happy that my husband could manage that in future we will have access to spring water. In the area of Manuksesa are many springs. This spring is one of a few springs feeding a small river. Nyoman passed a more than 1 km long pipe to our land, and with this we will be able to provide a spring water swimming pool! The overflow of the pool and the not used water will go back to the river. We will not use any chemicals for cleaning the pool.
Beside the pool and the new Villa we are building a “Bale Bengong” for serving the meals or to relax in the shadow next to the pool. A new small storage room will complete our kitchen.
After the buildings are finished, it will be my part to finish the interior and the garden. I am looking very much forward to design a garden using permaculture methods.
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